Monthly Archives: March 2021

1598: Empires stalling, expanding– or doing both

1598 CE was a year of numerous developments in world affairs. Some empires saw setbacks, some saw steps forward– and two, the Spanish and the English, saw both happening in different parts of their operations. Here were the main developments, in mainly chronological order: Russia’s Tsar Feodor died To no-one’s surprise he was replaced by … Continue reading 1598: Empires stalling, expanding– or doing both

1597: Japanese in Korea, Anglo-Spanish sea battles, etc

Well, here’s a quick sitrep for 1597 CE. As we know, various multi-year stories are playing out this year, including the Ottoman battles in Hungary, the Safavid battles in Khorasan, the Dutch expeditions in the Spice Islands, Spanish conquistadores in the Americas, the Dutch uprising against Spanish remnants in Netherlands, etc etc. But we’ll just … Continue reading 1597: Japanese in Korea, Anglo-Spanish sea battles, etc

1595: São Tomé slave rebellion; Anglo-Spanish battles; Ottoman succession; Shakespeare

Lots of familiar events in 1595 CE. In Constantinople, Sultan Murad III died, being succeeded by Mehmed III, one of whose first acts was to– guess what!– kill off a record number of 19 of his brothers. (Intriguingly, at one point earlier on, Murad’s sister Ismihan had been worried he was impotent and not producing … Continue reading 1595: São Tomé slave rebellion; Anglo-Spanish battles; Ottoman succession; Shakespeare

1594: Battles in Europe & and globally

1594 CE was a great year for the military-industrial complex both in Europe and worldwide. In East Asia, the Chinese and Koreans continued to battle Japan’s invasion of Korea. In Eastern Europe, the land war between the Habsburgs and the Ottomans continued… Here were some other interesting things that were happening that year. I’ll start … Continue reading 1594: Battles in Europe & and globally

1593: The Korean War, Ottomans & Habsburgs, and more…

Happy Pi Day everyone! How fortuitous that today I write about 1593, which had a “Super-Pi” Day: 3/14, 1593. (During 1593, the Flemish mathematician Adriaan van Roomen arrived at 15 decimal places of Pi using the polygon approximation method.) Today, I’ll be brief: January 1593 was when the Ming Chinese allies came to help the … Continue reading 1593: The Korean War, Ottomans & Habsburgs, and more…