Tag Archives: Ottoman-navy

Key developments of 1574 (mainly, Ottoman)

All the usual things were happening in the world of 1574 CE: Mughal Emperor Akbar consolidating his growing territories; Protestants and Catholics contending over broad areas of Europe; Portuguese and Spanish conquistadors doing their transnational thing, and so on. The main development of world-historical importance that year, however, was the Ottoman navy’s final conquest of … Continue reading Key developments of 1574 (mainly, Ottoman)

Key developments of 1570

This is the 50th anniversary edition of the Project 500 Years daily bulletin. I have completed 10% of my self-assigned task! To mark the occasion I shall shortly– today or tomorrow– be issuing “Communique #2” for the project. But for now, this fascinating daily grind must continue. Readers: the main developments of 1570 CE: Ottoman … Continue reading Key developments of 1570

Key developments of 1565

Lots going on in 1565 CE– and a slightly new format here. Headlines and even an index. Click away! Ottomans besiege Crusader-remnant Knights in Malta Spanish Conquistador forces a “Treaty” on Rajah in today’s Philippines Another Conquistador attacks French & indigenes in today’s Florida Portuguese & Japanese battle at Fukuda Bay Key Ming military planner … Continue reading Key developments of 1565

Key developments of 1560

Well, lots of things happening in 1560 CE. Today’s survey will take us to many of that era’s empires! Here we go: Spain’s king Philip II had assembled a coalition of Christian naval powers with the goal of retaking Tripoli, in today’s Libya, from the Ottomans, who had captured it in 1551. The Christian fleet, … Continue reading Key developments of 1560